viernes, 1 de enero de 2010

Enlaces sobre Nanotecnología

-Bell Labs - home page.
-Lucent technologies - home page.
-Overview of Nanotechnologyadapted by J. Storrs Hall from papers by Ralph C. Merkle and K. Eric Drexler.
-What is Nanotechnology? -introduction to the nanometer-level technology. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter, or 3-4 atoms, wide. From Nanotechnology Magazine.
-U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative -committed to long-term nano science and engineering research; synthesis, processing, and application of nano materials; and the exploration of nanodevice concepts.
-UK Institute of Nanotechnology - fosters, develops and promotes all aspects of science and technology where dimensions and tolerances of 0.1nm to 100nm play a critical role.
-Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology - complete text of the book by K. Eric Drexler.
-Nanotechnology Database -up-to-date sources of information on nanotechnology in the following areas: major research centers, funding agencies, major reports, and books. -nanotechnology research, discussion, and message forums.
-Brad Hein's Nanotechnology Site - deals with nanotechnology defined as precise molecule by molecule control of products and byproducts in the development of functional structures.
-IBM Research: Nanotechnology - working on projects at the tiniest scale, exploring the manipulation of materials, and even data, at the atomic level.
-Nanotechnology: The Coming Revolution In Molecular Manufacturing - get information on issues in molecular manufacturing, jobs and academic opportunities in the field, historyof nanotechnology, policy issues, and projected applications . From the Foresight Institute.
-Nanotechnology Papers and Sci.nanotech Archives -hosted by Rutgers University Computer Science Department.
-Nanotechnology - provides a brief introduction to the core concepts of molecular nanotechnology, followed by links to further reading.
-Yahoo! Clubs: Nanotechnology

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